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Coinciding with the end of the project co-funded by the Long Life Learning Programme which ended on October 31st 2011, there have been a lot of activities during the last months
• Presentation of papers in the ECAADE and ED MEDIA conferences
• International Conference in Brussels “Innovating, Housing, Learning”
• OIKODOMOS Compendium: supporting material for teachers
• OIKOpedia, a collaborative knowledge base
• Exhibition in Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus
• Workspace “Housing Reagents” |
The paper “Oikodomos Virtual Campus: a networked-based model of education. Proceedings” was presented by Paul Riddy at the ED MEDIA which took place in Lisbon at the end of June. On July, the paper called “Reading Housing with Proximity in Lefkoşa through Oikodomos Learning Activities” was exposed by Beril Ozmen at the 23rd ENHR Conference in Tolouse. Another paper, “OIKODOMOS Virtual Campus. Constructing learning processes in collaboration”, was presented by Leandro Madrazo at the eCAADe Conference in September, in Ljubljana.
The international conference about “Innovating, Housing,Learning”, was hosted by the W&K Sint-Lucas School of Architecture in Brussels from October 27thto October28th There were 35 participants from all over Europe. The keynote speakers were Claudi Aguiló and Dr. Mirjana Devetakovic who addressed the issues of housing design and of learning and ICT learning environments in architecture. There were ten papers concerning contemporary housing issues and architectural education that were presented Project outcomes were presented by partners and discussed with the participants. Associate partners from BTU Cottbus, ETS de Arquitectura de Valencia and Gebze Institute of Technology told about their experience as newcomers to the OIKODOMOS Virtual Campus. The conference was broadcast live and papers are available in the project blog.
The experience gathered during the four years of activity of the OIKODOMOS Virtual Campus has been systematized and documented in the Compendium. This document provides practical information for teachers willing to design learning activities in collaboration. It also gives access to a variety of supporting documentation which is now available in the menu RESOURCES of the web portal: narrated presentations, reports telling experiences at different institutions.
OIKOpedia |
OIKOpedia, a wiki dedicated to summarize the collective knowledge about housing studies acquired during the learning activities, has been created and it is already operational. The information is available in different languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Slovak and Turkish. Content providers are the registered teachers of the Virtual Campus.
An exhibition was held at the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), in Famagusta. The purpose of this exhibition was to disseminate the process, progress and results of the OIKODOMOS project among EMU Faculty of Architecture , HERA- Center members, teachers, assistants, students both from graduate and undergraduate levels, members of the Chamber of Turkish Cypriot Architects, and citizens.
A Workspace started in September dedicated to the theme of “Housing Reagents”. Participants in the activities are Cottbus, La Salle, Gebze, EMU and Valencia. As part of these activities, a joint workshop will take in Barcelona, from the 14th to the 16th of December.
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· Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain (Project coordinator) ·
· Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & Kunst, Department Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Brussels/Ghent, Belgium ·
· Institut d'Urbanisme IUG, Université Pierre Mendès, Grenoble, France ·
· Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia ·
· Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus, Turkey ·
· Viveka Consulting, Southampton, United Kingdom ·
· Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland · |